What is a postpartum doula?

My role as a postpartum doula varies and is dependent on the needs of each individual person. Some of the ways a postpartum doula can support you is through:

Education- teaching you about postpartum recovery (physical and emotional), nutrition, lactation and newborn care as well as providing contacts for other postpartum services and health care professionals when needed.

Physical support- looking after your baby while you attend to self care, preparing meals and snacks for you, completing light household chores, running errands, picking up groceries, holding your baby while you enjoy a cuppa at your favourite cafe or during medical or personal appointments, entertaining an older sibling or possibly even walking the dog;

Emotional support- non-judgemental emotional support including birth debriefing, a confidant to discuss the challenges that go hand in hand with being a new parent, support in communicating with a spouse;

Organisational support- helping you prepare for bringing your baby home, setting up a safe sleep space, setting up a feeding space, setting up a changing space, meal planning, general household organisation, organising other services such as cleaners.

Whatever you need, I am here for you!


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