Happy New Year!

Happy NewYear! What a busy one it's turning out to be! With the youngest of my babies now at school (I feel like I blinked and 5 years went past in a moment!) I will have plenty of time for new groups and classes, supporting the lovely women of Brisbane and surrounds through pregnancy, birth and postpartum and blogging! 

What's new at Birth and Beyond? 

This year I will be hosting FREE fortnightly meet ups at New Farm Park, the riverside park that inspired my logo with its gorgeous jacaranda trees. The focus of these will be, as it always is for me, creating a positive mindset and reducing fear surrounding birth. So, if you're pregnant and looking for a really relaxed, positive and interesting social group to meet other new or soon-to-be mums, please come along and join us for morning tea. Your older kidlets are welcome to come along too and I will have some toys and activities to suit babies and toddlers up to school age so you can feel free to engage in the discussion.

This year I will continue to run the Weekend Workshop: Skills for Birth and Beyond class although the location will be changing. The upside of this will be that I will be able to make the class even more affordable! Look out for the details in the coming weeks.

In terms of birth support, not much is changing this year. I will still continue to support a maximum of 2 women per month, which can make it tricky for bookings, I know, but I like to give my undivided attention to each and every one of my clients coming up to her birth so to me this is a necessary limit at this time. I will, however, be increasing my postnatal support hours. 

I hope this year brings you all joy and I very much look forward to meeting more wonderful women, mothers and babies this year! 

Nat Xx